High Quality Herbal Extract Formulas (5:1)

(actual product is a concentrated powder)
Formula CV-1
(Immune Boosting, Preventive, Pathogen Clearing)
Astragalus root, Atractylodes macrocephala rhizome, Ledebouriella root, Ganoderma, Forsythia fruit, Lonicera flower, Atractylodes lancea rhizome, Chinese Chrysanthemum flower, Adenophora root, Glehnia root, Mentha herb, Glycyrrhiza root

(actual product is a concentrated powder)
Formula CV-2
(Acute: Strongly Pathogen Clearing, Immune Boosting, Preventive)
Anemarrhena rhizome, Trichosanthes fruit, Isatis root and leaf, Polygonum root and rhizome, Salvia root, Astragalus root, Scutellaria root, Houttuyniae, Tussilago flower, Bambusa shavings, Glycyrrhiza root, Citrus peel, Cinnamomum twig, Dioscorea rhizome
A couple of times after being out in town I noticed myself starting to get a sore throat a few hours later and got worried so I started drinking some of formula #2. The sore throat went away within a day. And then after that, anytime I went out and I was in a large crowd of people like grocery shopping or something especially if I was walking down the sidewalk past people who weren’t wearing masks and such, I would mix a little bit of formula #2 in with my formula 1 and drink it before and after going out of the house. I have been very healthy these past few months and I feel more secure knowing I have these formulas on hand.
About the Formulas
High quality, concentrated herbal extracts meticulously blended by master herbalist Jack Adam Weber according to traditional Chinese medicine principles and informed by modern phytochemical research and studies from Chinese epidemiological trials. Both are immune boosting and can be used protectively, but in distinct ways:
Formula 1 helps primarily to boost and modulate immunity and secondarily to protect from and ward off pathogens.
Formula 2 is primarily for addressing the effects of pathogens (acute symptoms) and secondarily immune boosting and modulating.
Formula 1 is 75 grams total of powder to be taken each day (average of 1-4 grams) as a tea or mixed into a smoothie, coffee, or hot chocolate. Formula 2 is 80 grams total to be taken in more generous amounts as a tea during acute symptoms (especially sore throat, fever, cough) or in smaller amounts preventively (approx. average of 1-4 grams) for 1-2 days per week (best with Formula 1 for this purpose), during times of greater risk, or if one suspects exposure.
Note: Do not take either formula while pregnant or breastfeeding. These formulas are not intended as a replacement for Western medical care but could be helpful if none is readily available.
The formulas are in no way a substitute for all other prophylactic and hygiene measures such as hand-washing, sanitizing, mask-wearing, and physical distancing.
Full instructions are sent with orders.
These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. No medical claims are made or implied for preventing, treating, or curing any disease, and decision to purchase and consume are at one’s own discretion.