When I work with people who need help dealing with unprocessed loss, I virtually never try to "get them to grieve."...

When I work with people who need help dealing with unprocessed loss, I virtually never try to "get them to grieve."...
Like fear, hate is considered bad and taboo, especially in New Age circles. Yet, both fear and hate are crucial,...
We don’t "transform" emotional pain. Rather, we are transformed "by" it. It’s not a mechanical process; it’s an...
There are needs . . . and there is neediness. Everyone needs connection with others. But when unmet childhood needs...
There are many reasons for feeling tired. It doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with you. Mainstream culture...
One of the pitfalls with "oneness" or that "we are all one" is that we forget about and ignore our differences and...
Here’s the thing about inner work: in order to heal, you have to be brutally honest with yourself. You have to follow...
I have come to understand grief through the metaphor of water and the well. Current events can catalyze fresh new...
Tribalism is a boon and also a bane. It leads to dangerous group-think, dishonesty, and violence. But tribalism also...
Love has many meanings and references. It’s both biology and poetry, ethereal and grounded. But it’s important to...
A common notion is that spiritual practice is at odds with emotional work. It certainly can be, but it doesn’t have to...
It’s normal to be triggered by the threat of being left, even when we’ve done the inner grief and anger work from past...
There are times in life when we have to be alone. If we cannot be alone, then we cannot plumb the depths of our souls...
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