Grief Work: Essential Wisdom

Grief Work: Essential Wisdom

When I work with people who need help dealing with unprocessed loss, I virtually never try to “get them to grieve.” Our culture is particularly incompetent at receiving nuance at a deep level, especially emotion, and especially difficult emotion....
Being Transformed

Being Transformed

We don’t “transform” emotional pain. Rather, we are transformed “by” it. It’s not a mechanical process; it’s an alchemical one that begins with receiving that pain. Believing that we transform emotional pain is a patriarchal, fix-it paradigm....
Needs and Neediness

Needs and Neediness

There are needs . . . and there is neediness. Everyone needs connection with others. But when unmet childhood needs spill into adult relating, neediness arises. It has a different flavor than adult need fulfillment. To me it feels like excessive clinginess to the...
Feeling Tired?

Feeling Tired?

There are many reasons for feeling tired. It doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with you. Mainstream culture says we should be energetic all the time. And happy. But that’s an ironically impoverished prescription that misses so much about the life of the...
The Problem and Promise of Oneness

The Problem and Promise of Oneness

One of the pitfalls with “oneness” or that “we are all one” is that we forget about and ignore our differences and boundaries. This black or white perspective is an unskillful way to love. For maximal oneness and wellness, I propose we both...