Healing Myself to Heal the Planet

Healing Myself to Heal the Planet

Originally Published at: https://www.theresilientactivist.org/healing-myself-to-heal-the-planet/   When I was 26 I embarked on the most profound healing journey of my life. I worked with a therapist from a body-centered, somatic place to unearth my core childhood...

The Nourish Practice is a somato-poetic, deep meditation, qi gong experience that delivers a profound sense of rejuvenation, relaxation, stress release, groundedness, enjoyment, and flow. Best of all—in a sense—it requires no movement. In fact, you don’t even have to...
Love Them Anyway

Love Them Anyway

In Santa Barbara a few days ago I had a deep heart to heart with a dear friend of many years. Her beliefs differ drastically from mine. She doesn’t like or think we need masks (I nicknamed mine and love it), won’t get the Covid stick, and isn’t sure...
Leaf Blowers, City Life & Sanity

Leaf Blowers, City Life & Sanity

Yesterday I had an interview-discussion with Howard Jacobsen, which was wonderful in so many ways. I found him to be a smart, thoughtful, vulnerable and concerned human being. It helped me drop into the same space.   I was on the road for the interview and had to...
Vaccines and Intuition

Vaccines and Intuition

Lately I’ve fielded some inquiries and seen posts about intuition guiding peoples’ vaccine choices. And I see lots of support for this way of knowing.   I am not debasing intuition or its value; it has it’s place. I do want to offer perspective...
Vaccine Anxiety

Vaccine Anxiety

I just spoke to a dear friend in Santa Cruz who is terrified of getting the vaccine but has summoned the courage to get it anyway, today. We just spoke on the phone.   Her fear if familiar. I was scared too. Yet this is the kind of fear that we should not...