Nothing brings up our blocks, inner work, and childhood trauma patterns than being genuinely cared for and loved. So, if you want an embodied path to being more magically human, choose those who can love you.

Yet, this in itself is a catch 22, because we are so unfamiliar and programmed against love that we often don’t notice it in others; those people are not even on our radar. Our traumatized programming keeps us well clear of those who can genuinely love us. We walk around in a tunnel vision we don’t even know we’re in.

How then do we choose what we don’t recognize? First, we might be able to recognize the discomfort of being truly cared for; this discomfort (because it’s foreign and impinging on the pain we hold) should not be reason to leave but to stay and work through our blocks to being loved. Being challenged to give healthy, reasonable embodied love also presses on our wounds and blockages and calls us to heal and learn new tricks. We might also enroll in therapy and be proactive about working through our past wounding so that we develop a capacity to be more comfortable accepting love, and therefore more able to recognize it. Doing both is even better.

Of course, no one can love us perfectly. But choosing those who can challenge us where we are blocked to both receiving and giving love is a good enough start.

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