Herbal Extract CV-2




Formula 2  (80 grams: Acute Symptoms/Preventive: Strongly Antiviral, Immune Building)

To be taken in more generous amounts as a tea during acute symptoms (especially sore throat, fever, cough) or in smaller amounts preventively (approx. average of 1-4 grams) for 1-2 days per week (best with Formula 1 for this purpose). Also for use before, during, or after one suspects exposure.

Ingredients: Anemarrhena rhizome, Trichosanthes fruit, Isatis root and leaf, Polygonum root and rhizome, Salvia root, Astragalus root, Scutellaria root, Andrographis, Tussilago flower, Glycyrrhiza root, Citrus peel, Cinnamomum twig, Dioscorea rhizome

Note: Do not take while pregnant or breastfeeding. This formula is not intended as a replacement for Western medical care but could be helpful if none is readily available. Statements for this product have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. No medical claims are made or implied for preventing or curing any disease, and decision to purchase and consume are at one’s own discretion.

The formula is in no way a substitute for all other prophylactic and hygiene measures such as hand-washing, sanitizing, mask-wearing, and physical distancing.


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