Of course, it's usually unhelpful and abusive to call people names, curse at them, and engage substance-less emotional...
Blog Articles
Creativity as Lover
Without my artistic passion, I’d be a less happy guy. But being an artist isn’t just a source of joy; it’s...
Healing Myself to Heal the Planet
Originally Published at: https://www.theresilientactivist.org/healing-myself-to-heal-the-planet/ When I was 26...
Paradox-rich: A Cure for Humanity and Our Planet, In a Nutshell
When our inner rivers run clean, the outer rivers run clean.
The Nourish Practice is a somato-poetic, deep meditation, qi gong experience that delivers a profound sense of rejuvenation, relaxation, stress release, groundedness, enjoyment, and flow.
The instance of the prez and Melania contracting Covid brings up some core and crucial philosophical issues, and...
Raptor Invisible
I've taken up my walks again Along the lonely, winding canyon road Where the occasional car whizzes by the embankments...
Fear, Love, and Fear of Fear
There is no reason to demonize fear, or place it at odds with love. It’s a false dichotomy. Some fear is healthy and...
Head and Heart Intelligence
Two Handfuls Without intellectual and emotional honesty we can't get much good done, nor thrive, nor even survive very...
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