Blog Articles

The Beautiful Pain of Honesty

Here’s the thing about inner work: in order to heal, you have to be brutally honest with yourself. You have to follow the subtle cues of your body. You have to decipher what lies within and behind sensations. You have to notice the whispers. You have to acknowledge...
Pulling the Shame Card

Pulling the Shame Card

Of course, it's usually unhelpful and abusive to call people names, curse at them, and engage substance-less emotional...

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Creativity as Lover

Without my artistic passion, I’d be a less happy guy. But being an artist isn’t just a source of joy; it’s...

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The Nourish Practice is a somato-poetic, deep meditation, qi gong experience that delivers a profound sense of rejuvenation, relaxation, stress release, groundedness, enjoyment, and flow.

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